2020, a year like no other.
It’s nearly over.
Thank you for being with us, thank you for your patience as for many of us we have been learning the art of working remotely.
It’s been good to see more people face to face on video than we may have achieved during normal times, and enjoying the interactions with all our clients and staff.
From March we have worked out ways to work, new ways to support each other, and occasionally found ways to have fun as well. We have learnt to love the hand waving and lip reading of people being on mute, the WIFI out of reach (yes, you David), the door bell ringing, the kids playing up for the camera, the dogs barking and of course the well prepared background book selections.
Having worked hard in such unusual ways, enjoy the shutdown. Turn Teams/Zoom off and enjoy some time with family, and work hard on the cheering up. Find the reindeer hat, eat good food, wrap the presents and make donations. Make sure you laugh, smile and have a really great time. We wish you a truly relaxing ‘holiday’ break.
IOIT is donating to two charities this year, a small gesture but we hope it will inspire others as well to share and help those in need.
Petals Charity | The Baby Loss Counselling Charity and https://www.mind.org.uk/